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Bet on anything, with anyone.

Politics | Sports | E-Sports | Content Creator | Crazy Mode | Pop Culture | Science | Crypto

E-Sports | Content Creator | Crazy Mode

What is wanna.bot?

WannaBot? is a platform where content creators engage audiences and recreational bettors by allowing them to wager on outcomes in sports, politics, entertainment, and their personal brands. 

Talk to our Ai… Ask about the project, get bet inspirations or inform yourself about prediction markets.

Predict the Next
Viral Craze!

Got a hunch on viral trends? At wanna.bot?, your predictions can earn real rewards. Bet on wild stunts or viral craze – it’s your call!

Coming Soon:

$Wanna Contract:


Ethereum Contract

$Wanna Contract:



Ethereum Contract

  • Seed funding of Protocol Via D3conomist SeedPad
  • Initial Backend development of the predictions platform including all required data centers
  • Build long term strategy to grow and enhance the predictions platform into the wider GambleFi space
  • Form long term partnership with Covey.tech and Hans Dallass as protocol advisors
  • Onboard Ambassadors including online casino streamer Baris from Shpell.com and VikingXBT
  • Onboard KOL’s for initial Marketing
  • Launch $WANNA ERC20 Token on Uniswap
  • Update Socials including Dextool’s and Dexscreener
  • Fast track listings on CMC and CG
  • Initial marketing push from KOL’s
  • Build a solid community and a stable chart aimed at long term growth.
  • V1 launch of predictions platform
  • Introduction of 80% revenue share model for token holders
  • Roll out of Bet & Burn Feature – Sponsored platform Bets
  • Introduction of incentive program
  • Introduction of Bet to earn
  • Increased Marketing push
  • Gain Gambling license
    • V2 Launch of predictions platform including Platform and Discord live streaming
    • Introduction of sponsored Live E-Sports Tournaments
    • Introduction of a Crypto futures platform with an edge
    • Collabs and partnerships with both Web3 and Web2 platforms to boost awareness and reach
  • Introduction of the $WANNA Casino platform
  • Mobile App Development
  • Introduction of Fiat On ramps
  • Introduction of NFT wagering

Sexy McLov(Ai)n

Co- Founder/ BD

G Dizzl

Co- Founder/ Lead Dev

D3 Conomist

Co- Founder/ Token

Crypto Banter

Community Manager


Hans Dallass




Ambassador schpell.com

Viking XBT



Understanding Prediction Markets: A prediction market on wanna.bot? is a speculative platform akin to a stock market, but it’s centered around predicting future events, particularly in the influencer and crypto spaces. The betting price reflects the collective opinion on the likelihood of an event happening.

Function and Collective Wisdom: Wanna.bot? functions as a collective brain, gathering diverse opinions from users. As more bets are placed, the odds adjust based on the staked amounts. This collective wisdom offers more accurate forecasts than individual predictions.

Applications and Crypto Integration: Beyond profit-making bets, wanna.bot? is a tool for forecasting trends in social media, influencer activities, and the crypto market. The integration with blockchain and cryptocurrencies allows for automated and transparent payouts, and facilitates global participation.